
Work on yourself to improve your relationships…and vice versa

In this article, I discuss how you can benefit from the bidirectional relationship between individual and relationship well-being. In my work as a Calgary psychologist and a Cochrane psychologist, I encounter both individuals and couples as clients. Individuals typically have the goal of addressing an individual issue to improve their emotional well-being and I teach them skills from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help them in this endeavour. Couples usually have goals to improve their relationship well-being in various ways. To this end, I typically give them skills from Dr. John Gottman’s sound relationship house model to help them improve their relationship friendship and learn skills to discuss issues more constructively...[more]

How self-help books can help you

In this article, I discuss how you can use self-help books to improve your life. I’ve been a big fan of self-help books ever since I read the best-selling Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne Dyer when I was a teenager. Reading that book was my first exposure to how we can use our thoughts to lessen the impact of negative events, behaviours and comments. It was a life-changing experience for me to realize that a big contributor to my being upset was my thinking and interpretation of situations and behaviours...[more]

Thought records: Great antidotes to ruminating

In this article, I discuss a tool you can use to feel better by changing your thinking when you’re dwelling on negative thoughts. If you’re like me, you sometimes find yourself ruminating—dwelling on negative thoughts which lead to you to feel upset. For example, you can ruminate on worrisome thoughts leading you to experience intense anxiety such as...[more]

The time-limited nature of urges and cravings in addictions and eating disorders

Realizing that urges and cravings eventually pass can make the battle against addictions and eating disorders much easier to win. One of the biggest challenges in addiction counselling and eating disorders counselling is dealing with urges and cravings. These urges and cravings to engage in addiction or eating disorder behaviours can sometimes feel so strong that giving in to them may seem like the only way to reduce their intensities...[more]

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A double-barreled approach to addressing addictions

Controlling your environment to reduce your exposure to urges and cravings, then practicing strategies to manage your urges and cravings is an effective approach to addressing your addictions. A primary reason it can feel very difficult to overcome an addiction is the challenge of dealing with urges and cravings. Whether the addiction involves drinking, drugs, gambling or eating disorder behaviours like binging and purging, my clients report...[more]

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Heed the advice of Albert Einstein to address your issues

If what you are currently doing to make progress on your issues isn’t working, continuing in the same manner is likely to keep you stuck. In this article, I discuss how following Einstein’s recommendation that you try something different to get different results applies to working on issues in counselling. Although Albert Einstein is celebrated primarily for his accomplishments in the field of science, his influence is also evident in psychology and counselling...[more]

The role of thoughts in addictions

In this article, I discuss various ways in which specific thoughts and thinking patterns contribute to addictions. As is the case with common counselling issues like depression and anxiety, the way a person thinks is a key factor contributing to addictions of various kinds including alcohol, drugs, eating, sex and gambling. And, as is the case with other issues, identifying and changing these thoughts is often a fundamental part of the treatment for these addictions...[more]

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Eliminate unwanted behaviours by identifying the reasons you engage in them

Even behaviours with many severe consequences are performed for good reasons. Identifying those reasons is the first step in eliminating the behaviours. One of the most common issues I deal with as a Calgary psychologist and a Cochrane psychologist is helping clients who say they want to stop engaging in certain behaviours. The reasons clients typically give for wanting to stop these behaviours are...[more]

2022-02-08T15:18:36-07:00By |Categories: Addictions, Eating Disorders|

Measure progress on your issues in non-perfectionistic ways

If you measure progress on your issues in a perfectionistic manner, you are setting yourself up for failure. This article will discuss the perfectionistic way and the better ways to measure your progress. When I work with clients as a Calgary psychologist and a Cochrane psychologist, it is important that we measure progress in addressing their issues...[more]

Cognitive restructuring: How to move from distorted thinking to balanced thinking to improve your mood

In my last article, I discussed how our minds often use cognitive distortions to increase the negative effects events have on us. In this article, I will point to ways you can change your thinking from distorted to balanced to decrease the negative emotional effect of events on you. Cognitive distortions affect our moods negatively when they infiltrate our thoughts in response to situations. As such, I frequently help my clients identify these negative thought patterns...[more]

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