
The importance of identifying and addressing your cognitive distortions

We’re all susceptible to negative thinking patterns caused by cognitive distortions. In this article, I will discuss the impact of these distortions and give you strategies for spotting them. In my work as a Calgary psychologist and a Cochrane psychologist, one of the most common strategies I use to help clients with a variety of issues is one rooted in cognitive behavioural therapy...[more]

Use cost-benefit analysis to stop unwanted behaviours

If you’ve been struggling in your efforts to stop doing unwanted behaviours, it may because of the balance between the costs and benefits which affect your decisions to engage in the behaviours. In this article, I will show you how to use these costs and benefits to help you make progress in addressing these behaviours. In my work as a Calgary psychologist and a Cochrane psychologist, some of my clients have as their counselling goal the desire to stop doing unwanted behaviours...[read more]

2022-02-08T15:18:36-07:00By |Categories: Addictions, Eating Disorders, Relationships|

The importance of tracking signs of healing from a traumatic event

In this article, I discuss one of the most important and most overlooked ways to heal from a traumatic event—noticing specific signs of healing. For some of the clients I see in my work as a Calgary psychologist and a Cochrane psychologist, their main concern is negative events from their pasts...[read more]

When and how is it helpful to focus on your past in counselling?

In this article, I answer two questions: (1) Should you focus on events from your past in counselling?; and (2) How can discussing events from your past help you in the present? As a Calgary psychologist and a Cochrane psychologist, much of my work with clients involves helping clients cope effectively with problems they are currently experiencing...[read more]

Ten ways to get the most out of counselling

In this article, I discuss how you can reap the most benefits from counselling. In my work with clients as a Calgary psychologist and a Cochrane psychologist, I have been fortunate enough to see many clients I work with make significant progress in addressing their issues. Among those clients who have made the most progress, there are several distinguishing characteristics...[read more]

Rehearse to perform effectively–even if you’re not an actor

In this article, I discuss how you can use rehearsal as a skill to help you with many issues including anger management, anxiety, eating disorders and addictions as well as sports and other performance areas. Areas in which rehearsal has traditionally been used It’s common knowledge that actors, dancers, musicians, athletes and other performers use rehearsal as a fundamental tool to help deliver their best performances. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes...[read more]

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